
Get Involved

The Mattoon Public Library welcomes volunteers for all types of activities, including:

  • Programming help in the summer
  • Assist in the Local History Center
  • Story-Time
  • Delivering materials to homebound patrons (with Rotary of Mattoon)
  • Fundraising and Bi-Annual Book Sale
  • Special Guests to lead and assist with programming of all kinds
  • General assistance with everyday tasks like shelf straightening, shelf reading, etc.

Students and members of the community are encouraged to inquire about volunteering. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Library Director at 217-234-2621.

Required/Mandated Community Service Hours Through an Organization or the Courts:
Please visit our “Community Service Hours” page

All volunteers and community service workers are required to sign in and out for their shifts. This is done at the Main Circulation desk at the beginning and end of each volunteer session. If you are an RSVP member, please mark it on your sign-in sheet, and the Library will turn in the hours each month.