Wifi and Computer Access

Free Wifi

Free wifi is available at the Library by connecting to the “MPLPAW_Network.” No password is needed.


Public computers with Internet access are available at the kiosks on the main floor. They may be checked out for a period of two hours.

All computers have USB ports, and all laptops except netbooks have CD-RW drives. Internet-capable computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher 2010.

To access our computers, you must agree to our Internet and Computer Use Policy. You must also have a library card or credit card to use Internet computers.

The Library also suggests you bring your own storage device. All items get erased when the computer is returned to the kiosk.

Printing and photocopying prices

In order to receive anything you have printed, you need to know the name of the public access computer you are using. This name is printed on a sticker placed on the top of your computer screen (e.g., WPAC##).

The prices for printing are as follows:

Print Type Cost Per Print
Black and white $0.25
Color $0.50

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