Support the Library

There are many ways to support your very own Mattoon Public Library! Whether it’s through everyday gifts, volunteering your time for programs, attending meetings, or making contributions, your support makes everything possible here at the library. All forms of giving are greatly appreciated.

Monetary Donations and Gifts

Unless otherwise noted, donations will be spent towards the general improvement of the Library. Any support is greatly appreciated.

Purchase from Our ‘Wishlists’

The dedicated staff at Mattoon Public Library have curated wishlists of items that would greatly benefit our library and its patrons. Some examples of items on our wishlists include essential supplies, valuable resources, and various items for patron use.

NOTICE: While Amazon is a convenient platform for creating wish lists, we strongly encourage you to support local businesses whenever possible. If you choose to purchase items locally, please mark them as ‘Purchased’ on our list. For any issues or questions, please contact us at or call us at (217) 234-2621.

By clicking the links below, you can view these wishlists and see how you can contribute:

General Library Wishlist

Children’s Floor Wishlist

Materials Donations

We always welcome used books and media items. The Library gratefully accepts donations of the following items in good condition:

  • Books
  • Audiobooks on CD
  • Music CDs
  • DVDs
  • Some Magazines Considered

While we are grateful to receive donations of all types and sizes, please refrain from donating the following materials:

  • Encyclopedia Volumes
  • Science/Medical books printed before 2010
  • Materials that were not stored properly, or emit any odor, cannot be considered.

Donations may be dropped off at the Library’s main desk. If you plan to drop off more than a bag or two of items, we request that you contact the Library beforehand (217-234-2621), so we may prepare to receive your bulk items.

Any donations not added to the Library collection will be shared with other libraries, added to the book sale, or placed for public consumption.

For more information, please consult the Donations and Gifts Policy.

Friends of the Mattoon Public Library

Don’t just use the Library; be a part of it. Friends of the Mattoon Public Library is a group of individuals who believe our Library is a valuable community resource. They help promote our growth and development.

Friends of the Mattoon Public Library help with a variety of tasks, including:

  • Holding book sales and other fundraising activities to supplement our Library
  • Promoting the joy of reading through lunchtime book reviews and other activities
  • Gathering to learn about new projects or to provide feedback on proposed changes

Membership is open to everyone. Find out how to join HERE


Are you a super fan of a particular author or book series? Do you purchase the newest books the minute they come out? If so, the Adopt-an-Author program may be for you.

This program allows book lovers to skip the hold lines for their favorite authors or series by purchasing the book for the Library. The Library buys and processes the book, and when it is ready to go out, you get called to come and claim your next adventure.

As an adopter, you’re entitled to:

  • Preferred rental on your favorite author’s newest book or series
  • The library discount price (which ranges from 35-43% off the cover price)
  • No late fees on adopted books
  • Updates on new book releases
  • Special name plaque in the front of the book
  • Tax deduction

We work our program around the adopter. For example, if the adopter loves Janet Evanovich, but only her Stephanie Plumb series, the Library can make an arrangement to only adopt that series. The Library also offers the option to adopt children and young adult literature. Give children gifts that they can share with our community!

Almost any current “Big Six” publishing authors can be adopted. The Library has a suggestion list of over 650 possible authors and series to adopt, but any authors and series may be adopted.


The Mattoon Public Library welcomes volunteers for all types of activities, including:

  • Programming help in the summer
  • Assist in the Local History Center
  • Story-Time
  • Delivering materials to homebound patrons (with Rotary of Mattoon)
  • Fundraising and Bi-Annual Book Sale
  • Special Guests to lead and assist with programming of all kinds
  • General assistance with everyday tasks like shelf straightening, shelf reading, etc.

Students and members of the community are encouraged to inquire about volunteering. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Library Director at 217-234-2621.

Required/Mandated Community Service Hours Through an Organization or the Courts:
Please visit our “Community Service Hours” page

All volunteers and community service workers are required to sign in and out for their shifts. This is done at the Main Circulation desk at the beginning and end of each volunteer session. If you are an RSVP member, please mark it on your sign-in sheet, and the Library will turn in the hours each month.

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