Digital Libraries


Aspen Discovery
Our NEW and IMPROVED library catalog, Aspen Discovery, bundles all of our physical and digital offerings into one single search engine. Create lists, and enable your reading/search history, too.

Reading Log and Summer Reading platform all in one.
Use this app to keep track of all of the books you have read. 

TV & Movies for entertainment, education, and binging.
Viewing for ALL ages.

 Hoopla Digital

eBooks, Audiobooks, Comics, Television, Movies, & Music
(no waitlist means instant check-out!) Includes Roku app

3M Cloud Library
eBooks & Audiobooks.
Find titles in the Mattoon Library Catalog!

     Libby App
 eBooks,  Audiobooks, Magazines, & More!
Thousands of titles and monthly reading lists for all ages.



Local and National Newspapers Periodicals,
and related publications and content.



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